AsyncCallDtoOfMostSimilarsResult Data Type

Status of an asynchronous call.

name data type description
task TaskDto Status of the underlying task. Represents the progress of the execution.
error ErrorReport Error object if the call thrown an exception or null .
partialResult MostSimilarsResult Partial result if possible/requested to return or null.
id string ID of the associated call. ID is assigned by the REST API endpoint used to launch the asynchronous task. This ID is used to access the status of the task later.
result MostSimilarsResult Call result object or null if it is not available yet. The result object type depends on the REST API endpoint used to launch the asynchronous call. The type is the same as the result type of the endpoint synchronous counterpart. (For example result type for calls launched by /rest/descriptors/{desc/find-most-similars-async} is the same as the result of call /rest/descriptors/{desc/find-most-similars}.


  "task" : {
    "id" : "...",
    "name" : "...",
    "totalWork" : 12345,
    "workUnit" : "...",
    "worked" : 12345,
    "done" : true,
    "cancelled" : true,
    "startTimeMs" : 12345,
    "runningDurationMs" : 12345
  "error" : {
    "statusCode" : 12345,
    "statusReasonPhrase" : "...",
    "statusClass" : "...",
    "message" : "...",
    "exceptionMessage" : "...",
    "exceptionStackTrace" : "..."
  "partialResult" : {
    "searchtime" : 12345,
    "targetcount" : 12345,
    "query" : "...",
    "querysmi" : "...",
    "targets" : [ {
      "dissimilarity" : 12345.0,
      "targetindex" : 12345,
      "targetid" : "...",
      "targetmolurl" : "...",
      "targetimageurl" : "...",
      "base64img" : "..."
    }, {
      "dissimilarity" : 12345.0,
      "targetindex" : 12345,
      "targetid" : "...",
      "targetmolurl" : "...",
      "targetimageurl" : "...",
      "base64img" : "..."
    } ]
  "id" : "...",
  "result" : {
    "searchtime" : 12345,
    "targetcount" : 12345,
    "query" : "...",
    "querysmi" : "...",
    "targets" : [ {
      "dissimilarity" : 12345.0,
      "targetindex" : 12345,
      "targetid" : "...",
      "targetmolurl" : "...",
      "targetimageurl" : "...",
      "base64img" : "..."
    }, {
      "dissimilarity" : 12345.0,
      "targetindex" : 12345,
      "targetid" : "...",
      "targetmolurl" : "...",
      "targetimageurl" : "...",
      "base64img" : "..."
    } ]