StatisticsDto Data Type

Various statistics for the embedded server.

name data type description
serverStartTimeMs number Startup time stamp of the server. Time stamp acquired using System#currentTimeMillis().
uptime number Server uptime in ms. Approximate total time since embedded server launched. Please note that the time of loading resources (molecules, descriptors) might or might not count in the uptime.
loadingSuperTask TaskDto Task that represents the whole loading process.
totalmoleculecount number Total number of molecules exposed.
totaldescriptorcount number Total number of descriptors exposed.
version string Version string. Delegate OverlapVersion#overlapVersion().


  "serverStartTimeMs" : 12345,
  "uptime" : 12345,
  "loadingSuperTask" : {
    "id" : "...",
    "name" : "...",
    "totalWork" : 12345,
    "workUnit" : "...",
    "worked" : 12345,
    "done" : true,
    "cancelled" : true,
    "startTimeMs" : 12345,
    "runningDurationMs" : 12345
  "totalmoleculecount" : 12345,
  "totaldescriptorcount" : 12345,
  "version" : "..."